Wednesday, February 20, 2013

John Robert Lewis: PILLAR of AMERICA

The First Annual Vote By Mail America PILLAR of AMERICA Award will be presented to the Honorable John Lewis for his courageousness, commitment and dedication to Voting Rights for All Americans.

Date: Tuesday, February 26th, 2013
Time: 12-2pm
Place: House Cannon Building, Room 122 in Washington, DC


Vote By Mail America will also honor a television host and the program's staff for excellent coverage of voting rights issues in 2012 and, we will present the first ever "Shout Out" award to an individual for making an extraordinary contribution to voter education.
Brent Scott
Executive Director
Vote By Mail America

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! No one is more deserving.

    Grace Carson-Jackson/Savannah. Ga
