Thursday, April 26, 2012

Early voting under "a sneak attack"

Last November, in a stinging rebuke of GOP Gov. John Kasich, voters in Ohio overturned SB 5, which was widely regarded as an anti-union law. SB 5 placed new restrictions on collective bargaining for public employees. In what may prove to be an
embarrassing case of history repeating, Ohio voters may vote to overturn the vote  suppressing HB 194, that was signed into law by the governor in July of 2011. 
On December 9, 2011 the Ohio Secretary of State certified that supporters of a referendum to overturn HB 194 had collected sufficient signatures to qualify the measure for the November 6, 2012 statewide ballot, concurring with the presidential election.

Now, in a move Democratic State Rep. Kathleen Clyde of Kent described as a "sneak attack" on early voting, Ohio Senate Republicans have begun a push for legislative repeal of HB 194 ahead of the scheduled Nov. 6, 2012 election, perhaps hoping to avoid what is likely to be a second stinging rebuke at the polls for the governor and the GOP controlled legislature.
As reported in the Akron Beacon Journal, "the repeal bill seeks to reinstate one of the most objectionable features of HB 194 -- imposing a deadline on in-person absentee voting starting the Friday before Election Day, cutting off a three-day window when interest reaches its peak." Read ABJ editorial

1 comment:

  1. These voter ID laws are sham and a ruse that are being used to supress the votes of anyone who doesn't vote for the GOP.

    J. Nicole
